Mick Campbell
November 9, 2021
Mick is an internationally experienced CIO of 20+ years, having predominantly worked in Australia and the UK. He recently took up the role of CIO at TNA Solutions having worked across various industries at an executive level.
Mick takes a strategic approach to the advancement of IT within organisations, concentrating on the people, process, and technology relationships, without neglecting the operational imperative. He specialises in IT leadership, user-centred information systems, IT security, and removing the complexity around IT.
Mick can reference many achievements in the IT arena, but at TNA Solutions, he is looking to exploit technologies to enhance efficiencies throughout the organisation as well to improve customer outcomes.
Mick is a Certified IT Professional and a graduate of the AICD. He holds Board positions with St John Ambulance (NSW), the Coast To Kosci Ultramarathon and the Krazy Kosci Klimb. He holds a BSc Degree in Computing Science, Mathematics and Statistics and a BSc Diploma in Statistics, both attained from the University of Glasgow.