tna ultra-clean® COMBO 3 equipment from TNA is your ultimate 3-in-1 cleaning solution and equipment for de-soiling, de-stoning and washing root vegetables, including potatoes.

tna ultra-clean COMBO 3

combination drum washer and destoner

tna ultra-clean COMBO 3

The tna ultra-cleanCOMBO 3 is a highly efficient, 3-in-1 cleaning solution for de-soiling, de-stoning and washing root vegetables, including potatoes. With a small footprint, it is the ideal addition to smaller production lines, positioned ahead of your chosen peeling system. Plus, the simple yet robust design of the rotary drum destoner and washer makes it easy to maintain and operate – for reduced downtime.

  • Minimise water usage to improve your plant’s environmental credentials.

  • Benefit from long production cycles, with low maintenance and minimal wear on parts.

  • An easy-to-operate and reliable system to support all your cleaning needs.

  • 3 functionalities in 1: de-soiling, de-stoning, washing
  • Simple robust design
  • Angle shape profiles in the drum and paddles
  • Spray line mounted outside the drum
  • Water circulation system
  • Continuous stone discharge
  • Stainless steel execution (exception fans, pumps, drives, valves, bearings, belts)
  • Wet section to remove clay shells
  • Brush in the washing section for odd products shapes
tna ultra-cleanCOMBO 3
model name OWT 2500-8 OWT 2500-10
capacity kg/hr (lbs/hr) 5000 (11020) 10000 (22000)
motor – drum kW (hp) 1.1 (2)
circulation – pump kW (hp) 3 (4)
motor stone removal belt  kW (hp) 0.25 (03)
water consumption fast fill per product mass in m3/hr/ton (cfm/ton) 0.25 (0.147)
length mm (in) 4050 (160)
width mm (in) 2345 (92) 2720 (107)
height mm (in) 2045 (81) 2290 (90)
empty weight kg (lbs) 1175 (2590) 1400 (3086)
operation weight (kg/lbs) 2000 (4400) 2300 (5070)
all above specifications are subject to change and may differ according to the product, please confirm when placing your order.
  • French fries
  • Other Snacks
  • Potato chips
  • Processing solutions